tec-zr7if: Hurricane should be the last skill u hit before u snap shot so u keep the extra 5 ranks to storm skills
wizzy2600: why dont u overflow your runes?
Mampfie: should i go for this as my first char? haven't started the season yet
ECB_Ayye_Zee: You want a 2 handed mace, using the polearm is causing you to lose like up to 400b on each hit, you have overpower multipliers on this build, vulnerable damage gives you an inherent 20%× damage boost without anything into it, anything else after that is only additive so that vulnerable damage is barely giving you any benefit at all
Galaxy5oo: Great guide, thanks.
patricksantos7500: Which stat is better for this build? Max life or willpower? Damage-wise
jonb2356: Would you say this build is more fun than barb?
FOX3114: the snap shot is kind of confusing to me, am i getting the 1st box ALMOST full then the next thing i hit has to be the cata? or hurricane a little before it is full then cata? and what am i doing to maintain it? like which buff am i looking at to keep up? and does my CD need to be a certain number to keep it up? ty for any info
The_Wanderer1: Why do you want hurricane size on your build?
jasoncombs3232: This build ruined the game for me. Im loaded with mythics now and im bored with nothing else to do.
tonberry3801: Great guide, 1 thing I would change is lower background noise a tad
kurtnordli1381: My main question is " Can your version of this build do a pit 150 because that's what i'm looking for.
Vtinoco: Thanks for the build
TimoNaaro: thank you. wi ll be building this this weekend. I noticed that in the video you use changeling debt on weapon but in build guide there is odd shit aspect of reatliation I have not seen that in any of these builds. what is going on there?
varbandurchev3480: Excuse me for the stupid question but how you guys manage to put 71 skill points i am a fresh lvl 60 and followed your skill path and when i comes to the end i am missing 2 skill points for me i see only 69 points
rickyversa7407: No pole arm, use a mace for overpower damage and on amulet u want willpower percentage
ryanrod16: Does it work without the dlc runes?
brianle998: How can you see Mods in the Pit? (The yellow dot)
TimoNaaro: why not put overpower damage gems in the weapons. does that will really do more?
Kress_SK: the snapshot threw me off
amardillo9364: I tried to reproduce that build...even with pretty much the same gear, just about 100 points less Paragons.....I'm basically instant down with tormented bosses. Reason is that this build has no armor or resistances whatsoever. Trash mobs work....or even running pits...but thats it.